I don't do much of anything when I get really depressed, and that seems to happen a lot. The only thing I have any solace in is playing music(and even that seems like an elaborate fraud)so it's all I've really accomplished lately. I don't touch my blog, I have trouble going out for reasons other than work and my whole being feels like complete caca.
So, Saturday night and...well, I guess I can tackle something.
When I talk about music "coming around again," I characterize it as having a social cycle. Social Cycle Theory posits a repeating of events and stages of society which nullifies the possibility of social progress. I have always thought the theory could accomodate various tenets of Multiverse Theory("Wiki" it- I'm always learning shit just browsing that darn site)by arguing as all events are relative to the observer and as we occupy vastly different dimensional aspects since the last iteration, so we hold one variable(and let's assume quantifiable)in common though our chronological basis differs. I may then state "Yes, history does repeat itself. However, the participants cannot be where(as in "when")they were on any event's last occurrence. There can ALWAYS be something new, and there is no need to celebrate defeat with Anti-Art(when it becomes average, we are all dead)when there is real æsthetic Terra Incognita remaining to be embarked upon."
Well, when's it coming around again?
The pendulum arcs are accelerating. Changes happen so quickly now that an insufficient time is given for any music to really sink its teeth into our DNA. As soon as acts are shuffled in, they are quickly shuffled out or they haul their one-trick-pony out thousands of times until they die in Vegas. In the past ten years, I've seen (c)Rap, Pop-Punk, Post-Punk, Metal Punk, Black Metal, Metal Metal, Teen Ingénue, Thiry-Something Ingénue, Male Teen Ingénue, Male Trailer Park Ingénue, Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, House, Dance, Trance, Club, Drum and Bass, Crunk, Spunk, Funk, R&B(a FAR cry from Rhythm and Blues, sadly...),Gospel, Blues, Jazz, Lite-Sexy-Funk(most jazz is now this), A&R, EMI, BMI, ASCAP, NARAS, The Napster Effect, and shit, I could just go on and on. The point is, Music has never been bigger business than it is right now. Perhaps that is why it all suffers. Honestly, I just can't get into anything at all that is new. One might chalk it up to the depression, but Chopin, Herbie Hancock, Steely Dan and Zappa still do it for me. So, scratch that.
No, music just sucks today.
I feel like there is no ambition. There is just celebration, mostly of the self. Everything sounds too slick, all the time. Life in Listening to Music has become a Pro-Tools fantasy in which reality can be changed or erased at the whim of the Whim. Everything is loud, all the time. Hasn't anybody heard of Modal Interchange chords other that bVI or bVII?(Fucking Aeolian chords at that!) Voice leading? REAL Theme and Development? Keys other than Db for rock songs? More of the good things that people like Justin Timberlake and Pharell do instead of the posturing bullshit? REAL instruments behind rappers? REAL instruments, engineers and songwriters in the R&B thing? Jazz players that don't waste all their energy on volcanic chops-infested playing or pentatonic safety?(John Scofield, in particular...)
So, if music is such big business and as a result the music suffers, must the business fall for the music to succeed?
I think, yes. Musicians will need only each other at this point and they can get back to doing what they do best without corporate masters. I bet Rupert Murdoch's I-Pod playlist would be amusing.